Randomize Barcode Generator using VB.Net

Steps on how to create randomize barcode generator
1. Open Visual Studio 2010 or above
2. Named the project "BarcodeGenarator"
3. Add Picture box control at the center of the form,
4. Add button control, change the name property to "btnBarcode" and Text property to "Genarate Barcode"

Code snippet on how to randomize numbers
Sub GenerateBarcode()
        Dim rand As New Random
        Dim barcode As Long
        barcode = rand.Next(111111, 999999) & rand.Next(111111, 999999)
        PicBarCode.BackgroundImage = Code128(barcode, "A")
End Sub

Sourcecode Price Php 500.00

PL: VB.Net
IDE:Visual Studio 2015-2017
Contact me: erasersoftwaresolution@gmail.com | 09077640336