RFID Based Attendance and Monitoring System

Below are the features of RFID Based Student Attendance and Monitoring System
  1. The system is capable of managing student information such as ( basic information, contact information, grade level and section and RFID tag enrollment)
  2. The system is capable of managing school events/ activities.
  3. The system is capable of setting event restrictions such as (time in and out and allow sms notification)
  4. The system is capable of managing grade level/ course.
  5. The system is capable of assigning section.
  6. The system is capable of setting penalties (for special events/ activities such as sportsfest, etc.)
  7. The system is capable of creating and posting announcement.
  8. The system is capable of sending sms to students guardians.
  9. The system is capable of setting sms modem.
  10. The system is capable of generating student attendance.
  11. The system is capable of generating student attendance records (for special events) with penalty.
  12. The system is capable of printing student attendance per section, student penalty, and student list.
  13. The system is capable of student time-in and out by taping the rfid reader.

Contact me @ erasersoftwaresolution@gmail.com | 09077640336

Video Demo:  https://youtu.be/1SNyLbbGIUw